1.1. Order confirmation

Upon placing your order you will receive an e-mail with the confirmation of your purchase and your order number.

1.2. Processing

We ship with DHL Express. Orders placed are shipped within 1-2 business days and are usually delivered within 2-5 days once shipped depending on the country of destination. 

Once your order is shipped, you will receive an e-mail with your shipment tracking number

1.3. Countries we currently ship to

Your order is shipped from Lebanon. Diosa Brand is not liable for any local customs charges or taxes that may apply to your order upon arriving to the country of destination. Please get informed about your country's customs policies before purchasing.

We currently ship to the following countries:

Afghanistan (AF) Dominican Rep. (DO) Liechtenstein (LI) Sao Tome And Principe (ST)
Albania (AL) Ecuador (EC) Lithuania (LT) Saudi Arabia (SA)
Algeria (DZ) Egypt (EG) Luxembourg (LU) Senegal (SN)
American Samoa (AS) El Salvador (SV) Macau SAR China (MO) Serbia, Rep. Of (RS)
Andorra (AD) Eritrea (ER) Madagascar (MG) Seychelles (SC)
Angola (AO) Estonia (EE) Malawi (MW) Sierra Leone (SL)
Anguilla (AI) Ethiopia (ET) Malaysia (MY) Singapore (SG)
Antigua (AG) Falkland Islands (FK) Maldives (MV) Slovakia (SK)
Argentina (AR) Faroe Islands (FO) Mali (ML) Slovenia (SI)
Armenia (AM) Fiji (FJ) Malta (MT) Solomon Islands (SB)
Aruba (AW) Finland (FI) Mariana Islands (MP) Somalia (SO)
Australia (AU) France (FR) Marshall Islands (MH) Somaliland, Rep Of (XS)
Austria (AT) French Guyana (GF) Martinique (MQ) South Africa (ZA)
Azerbaijan (AZ) Gabon (GA) Mauritania (MR) South Sudan (SS)
Bahamas (BS) Gambia (GM) Mauritius (MU) Spain (ES)
Bahrain (BH) Georgia (GE) Mayotte (YT) Sri Lanka (LK)
Bangladesh (BD) Germany (DE) Mexico (MX) St. Barthelemy (XY)
Barbados (BB) Ghana (GH) Micronesia (FM) St. Eustatius (XE)
Belarus (BY) Gibraltar (GI) Moldova, Rep. Of (MD) St. Kitts (KN)
Belgium (BE) Greece (GR) Monaco (MC) St. Lucia (LC)
Belize (BZ) Greenland (GL) Mongolia (MN) St. Maarten (XM)
Benin (BJ) Grenada (GD) Montenegro, Rep Of (ME) St. Vincent (VC)
Bermuda (BM) Guadeloupe (GP) Montserrat (MS) Sudan (SD)
Bhutan (BT) Guam (GU) Morocco (MA) Suriname (SR)
Bolivia (BO) Guatemala (GT) Mozambique (MZ) Swaziland (SZ)
Bonaire (XB) Guernsey (GG) Myanmar (MM) Sweden (SE)
Bosnia & Herzegovina (BA) Guinea Rep. (GN) Namibia (NA) Switzerland (CH)
Botswana (BW) Guinea-Bissau (GW) Nauru, Rep. Of (NR) Syria (SY)
Brazil (BR) Guinea-Equatorial (GQ) Nepal (NP) Tahiti (PF)
Brunei (BN) Guyana (British) Netherlands, The (NL) Taiwan (TW)
Bulgaria (BG) Haiti (HT) Nevis (XN) Tajikistan (TJ)
Burkina Faso (BF) Honduras (HN) New Caledonia (NC) Tanzania (TZ)
Burundi (BI) Hong Kong SAR China (HK) New Zealand (NZ) Thailand (TH)
Cambodia (KH) Hungary (HU) Nicaragua (NI) Timor-Leste (TL)
Cameroon (CM) Iceland (IS) Niger (NE) Togo (TG)
Canada (CA) India (IN) Nigeria (NG) Tonga (TO)
Canary Islands, The (IC) Indonesia (ID) Niue (NU) Trinidad And Tobago (TT)
Cape Verde (CV) Iran (IR) North Macedonia (MK) Tunisia (TN)
Cayman Islands (KY) Iraq (IQ) Norway (NO) Turkey (TR)
Central African Rep (CF) Ireland, Rep. Of (IE) Oman (OM) Turkmenistan (TM)
Chad (TD) Italy (IT) Pakistan (PK) Turks & Caicos (TC)
Chile (CL) Jamaica (JM) Palau (PW) Tuvalu (TV)
China (CN) Japan (JP) Panama (PA) USA (US)
Colombia (CO) Jersey (JE) Papua New Guinea (PG) Uganda (UG)
Comoros (KM) Jordan (JO) Paraguay (PY) Ukraine (UA)
Congo (CG) Kazakhstan (KZ) Peru (PE) United Arab Emirates (AE)
Congo, DPR (CD) Kenya (KE) Philippines, The (PH) United Kingdom (GB)
Cook Islands (CK) Kiribati (KI) Poland (PL) Uruguay (UY)
Costa Rica (CR) Korea, Rep. Of (KR) Portugal (PT) Uzbekistan (UZ)
Cote D Ivoire (CI) Korea, D.P.R Of (KP) Puerto Rico (PR) Vanuatu (VU)
Croatia (HR) Kosovo (KV) Qatar (QA) Vatican City (VA)
Cuba (CU) Kuwait (KW) Reunion, Island Of (RE) Venezuela (VE)
Curacao (XC) Kyrgyzstan (KG) Romania (RO) Vietnam (VN)
Cyprus (CY) Laos (LA) Russian Federation (RU) Virgin Islands-British (VG)
Czech Rep., The (CZ) Latvia (LV) Rwanda (RW) Virgin Islands-US (VI)
Denmark (DK) Lesotho (LS) Saint Helena (SH) Yemen, Rep. Of (YE)
Djibouti (DJ) Liberia (LR) Samoa (WS) Zambia (ZM)
Dominica (DM) Libya (LY) San Marino (SM) Zimbabwe (ZW)


2.1. Under normal circumstances, due to hygiene reason, we would not accept any request for exchange or return of products unless the products delivered are not what you ordered or contain defects. 

2.2. You are requested to examine the goods immediately for any defects and whether all products ordered are included upon delivery or collection (as the case may be). If you have any issues with your order, please email our Customer Service at [email protected]

2.3. If we agree that you are entitled to a replacement of products but the products to be replaced are sold out, we will refund your payment.